Dog kissing a girl on the cheeks

How Do Mosquitoes Affect Pets?

Are Your Pets at Risk? Once temperatures start to rise in the spring, most of us start getting excited about summer adventures. From travelling with the family to spending days outside at the pool or lake, summertime provides many great memories with those we care about most. However, with temperatures on the rise, that also…

Close up sweating water drop

How Do Mosquitos Track Humans?

Track and Attack! The female mosquito is a brutal hunter who will track you down with ruthless intent. Studies show that mosquitos work hard to protect themselves, so if they are going after you, it’s because they feel the chances of success are high. This new information about what attracts mosquitos will lead to further…

The larvae of mosquitoes that still live in the water

The Life Cycle of a Mosquito

Have you ever wondered about the life cycle of a mosquito? These biting bugs actually have a life cycle that takes place in four stages: egg, larvae, pupae, and adult mosquitoes. Read on to learn more about a mosquito’s life cycle. The Mosquito Life Cycle Once their job is done, male mosquitoes live three to…